Deep Sleep

by Pastor Anthony Pranno

If you’re like me, you’ve noticed that “sleep” has become a higher priority for many Americans. Countless advertisements promise a great night of sleep on the latest wonder-bed. I especially like the ones that depict someone frustrated by their partner’s snoring who presses a little button and watches the bed rise and the snoring stops!

Psalm 16 includes a wonderful and honest conversation between David and God. While the entire Psalm is full of meditations and praises that are worthy of study and aid in worship, there are two verses that speak of sleep. In verse 7 David says, “I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.” Sounds to me like David gets up feeling pretty good about his relationship with God. He feels as if he’s learned something through God’s presence with him, even while he sleeps.

In verse 9 he continues, “Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.” Here’s a man who rests in the peace, confidence, and instruction of God. He doesn’t wake up in a state of anxiety, but finds rest for his soul and, with a smile on his face, sleeps deeply.

How does David do it? We need to look at the rest of the Psalm to find out. Note a few things David says to/about God. It’s a foolproof plan for a deep sleep:

  • In You I take refuge
  • Apart from You I have no good thing
  • You have made my lot secure
  • I have a delightful inheritance
  • I will praise the Lord
  • I have set the Lord always before me
  • I will not be shaken
  • You will not abandon me
  • You have made known to me the path of life
  • You will fill me with joy in your presence

How are you sleeping? Check your attitude toward God every night before you go to sleep and see if it lines up with David’s. The confidence and strength that comes from a vital relationship with Christ does wonders for bad dreams and sore backs.


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