The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far from the Tree

It’s an old saying and many times quite true, but nobody wants to be pigeonholed by their upbringing. Does the fact that your parents did this or that determine your future? Of course not. Does your family background influence the choices you make? Of course.

A recent survey by LifeWay Research showed the best predictors of spiritual health among young people. Among them are Bible reading, prayer, church attendance and even Christian music. But what I found even more interesting was that young adults had higher spiritual health scores when they grew up in households where the parents were regularly…

  • Reading the Bible several times a week
  • Taking part in a service project or church mission trip as a family
  • Sharing their faith with unbelievers
  • Encouraging teenagers to serve in church
  • Asking forgiveness when they messed up as parents
  • Encouraging their children’s unique talents and interests
  • Taking annual family vacations
  • Attending churches with teaching that emphasized what the Bible says
  • Teaching their children to tithe

Now I understand that “spiritual health” is a tough thing to measure, but if I can do just a few things on this list that would increase the chances my kids are going to grow up a little stronger, a little more faithful, a little more like Jesus… I’m gonna do them! Not to mention that they are all based on solid biblical principles.

The Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian church, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ,” (1 Corinthians 11:1). As Christian parents, may we be able to say the same thing to our children. And by God’s grace, may He protect and provide for them along the way.

Pastor Anthony


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